Backup is important when you run a website. For me I backup this blog which is powered by wordpress automatically, once the blog’s content gets updated.
This is the perl script to run in crontab, which checks the database to see if there is any update, if yes a backup will be implemented.
use strict;
use MySQL::mycrud;
my $db = MySQL::mycrud_>new('my_user','',3306,'my_database','my_passwd');
my ($last_id) = $db->get_row("select ID from wp_posts order by ID desc limit 1");
open HD,"/tmp/last-id.txt" or die $!;
my $record_id = <HD>;
close HD;
chomp $record_id;
if ($last_id > $record_id) {
system "/path/to/"; # implement a bash script
open HDW,">","/tmp/last-id.txt" or die $!;
print HDW $last_id;
close HDW;
And, this is the bash script called by perl above, which implements the full backup for a wordpress site, including the site files and database.
cd /tmp
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
mkdir -p $DIR
# copy the site files from webdir
sudo cp -rf /var/www/mysite/ $DIR/
# dump database
sudo mysqldump -uroot my_database > $DIR/my_database.sql
sudo chown -R your_user_id $DIR
tar zcf $DIR.tgz $DIR/
rm -rf $DIR
rclone copy $DIR.tgz dropbox:webbackup
You should change the script to mach your use case, such as dir name, database name, user ID etc. And I upload the backup file to dropbox via rclone, you maybe want to change it with another way.